The Turrialba volcano is erupting at the moment. The photo above was taken this morning early from the garden of Guayabo Lodge. According to the latest post of the OVSICORI, published at 5 pm today, this latest eruption started yesterday at around 1 pm. You can check out the information that the OVSICORI posts twice per day. They keep everyone updated through their facebook site at:
The winds blow the ash eruptions away from Santa Cruz and towards the North-West or into the Central Valley. And this latest volcanic activity is attracting guests. In fact, several are staying with us just to see the spectacular views of the erupting Turrialba volcano.
Laura Bingley, one of our interns, took these beautiful photos at around 7:30 am this morning.
The Turrialba Volcano and views from Santa Cruz
On September 21, Tina took these next three photos from Santa Cruz. She took them early in the morning, around 6am. In fact, the first photo is from 5:30 am, just before sunrise. On this occasion the winds blew the ashes right into a good part of the Central Valley. So, also in San Jose, Heredia and Alajuela, ash fell on the roads, buildings and cars. After this eruption the Turrialba volcano calmed down for a few days. But since yesterday it is erupting again!
The second photo shows the view towards the Turrialba Valley. The sleepy town of Turrialba is still covered by a blanket of clouds. In the background on the left, the Chirripo mountain. This is the highest peak of Costa Rica.
The third photo is a garden view of the eruption of the 21st of September. Here the rising sun is casting its’ first rays onto the erupting volcano.